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Audiologist fits a hearing aid on mature man ear while visit a hearing clinic.

It’s hard to be apart from your hearing aid after you get used to using one. Your hearing aids are, after all, your connection to the world around you. But just like all technology, though, it will have to be upgraded eventually.

A hearing aid’s typical lifespan

From 3 to 7 years will be the typical lifespan of a hearing aid. You will need to have regular hearing assessments to be certain your current hearing aid is still the best solution for your hearing requirements, and the 3 to 7 year lifespan isn’t etched in stone. Technology is continuously progressing and some hearing aids need replacing more rapidly than others so it’s good to be open to other options should your hearing change.

There are other factors that will affect the lifespan of your hearing aids

So hearing aids have a “typical” longevity of 3 to 7 years. So hearing might last a lot longer for some people. How long your hearing aids will last is determined by quite a few considerations:

  • Build quality: It can be pricey to purchase hearing aids. But, you usually get what you pay for, like with anything in life. Your hearing aid will last longer if it has better construction.
  • Functionality: Hearing aids have been keeping up with constantly changing technology. You may want to upgrade your hearing aid if you want the clearest sound or if you want to sync with you your smart-devices including your phone or TV.
  • How often your hearing aids are used: The more often you use your hearing aids, the sooner they will need to be replaced. But that isn’t always the case, modern hearing aids are made to be used for a long time. Actually, it might be more precise to say that the more times you turn the device on and off, the sooner it will need replacing.
  • Proper care & maintenance: A hearing aid is similar to most other pieces of technology in a lot of ways so it should have a longer life if you take better care of it. That’s why you should always clean your hearing aids and carry out routine maintenance in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Changes to your hearing: Most grownups go for those really small hearing aids that conceal easily. Those devices have the exact amount of power you require and are extremely precisely fine-tuned. You may need to upgrade to a more powerful hearing aid if your hearing gets worse.

How can you get longer life out of your hearing aid?

We have to acknowledge that hearing aids are rather personal things. In most circumstances, they are tuned specifically for your ears and will likely have custom molds. The investment is also considerable. So it’s a common goal to get the most that you can out of your hearing aid.

And this is a very attainable goal. The best thing you can do if you want your hearing aid to last is take good care of it. Try to keep them dry and don’t drop them if you can help it. Of course, doing the required cleaning and maintenance is important.

You’ll usually be able to get a good five years from your hearing aid. Whether you can get more than that is, generally, up to chance. But ultimately, you will have to make a decision. You will most likely, inevitably, want some of the features that modern hearing aids offer. We can help you discover the best hearing aid for you, so call us right away for an evaluation.

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