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Stretching out the lifespan of your hearing aid batteries could save you both time and money. If you can attain a couple of extra days out of each battery, that’s a good amount saved over the course of a year.

Fortunately, there are a handful of things you can do to optimize the life of your hearing aid batteries. If you can convert these eight tips into habits, you should see a difference immediately.

Here are eight ways to optimize the lifespan of your hearing aid batteries.

1. Purchase new hearing aid batteries

Hearing aid batteries unopened in the package can last for years. Unfortunately, like all batteries, power is diminished as each year passes by, so it’s always more effective to buy the newer package.

2. Don’t remove the tab until you’re ready to use them

Hearing aids take a special type of battery referred to as a zinc-air battery. Each one has a plastic tab covering tiny holes on the top of the battery. Immediately after the tab is removed, air enters the holes and stimulates the zinc.

The moment this happens, the battery is active and the power will begin depleting (reapplying the tab has no effect). That’s why you should pull the tab only if you anticipate using the battery immediately.

3. Implement the five-minute rule

After removing the tab, don’t insert the battery into the hearing aid right away. Instead, wait around 5-7 minutes. This will enable the air to thoroughly activate the battery, increasing its life by up to three days.

4. Store at room temperature

You might have read that you can lengthen the life of your batteries by storing them in your refrigerator. The colder temperature reduces the release of power, or so the reasoning goes.

The problem is that the exact opposite happens. Zinc-air batteries and moisture do not mix, and the condensation that develops from the refrigerator causes corrosion and an enhanced risk of early failure.

Simply store your batteries at room temperature for the best outcome.

5. Leave the hearing aid battery door open when not being used

When you’re not using your hearing aid, turn it off and open the battery door. This inhibits drain and blocks corrosion. But remember, don’t store your hearing aids in the bathroom; moisture and temperature changes are hazardous to the batteries. Your bedroom side-table is probably the safest place.

6. Invest in a hearing aid dehumidifier

If you have a hearing aid dehumidifier, you won’t have to worry about where to keep your hearing aids. In the evenings, put your hearing aids in the dehumidifier to expel moisture and to provide a safe place for storage.

7. Remove the batteries if you won’t be using your hearing aids for prolonged periods

If you don’t intend on using your hearing aids for some time, taking out the batteries completely will help prevent corrosion from collected moisture within the hearing aid.

8. Clean your hands before changing the batteries

Always remember that dirt, grime, and moisture are bad for both the hearing aid batteries and the hearing aids themselves. That’s why it’s crucial to wash your hands before replacing the batteries.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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