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Woman connecting her hearing aids to her smart home.

You may recall the phrase “world of tomorrow,” which was used to describe the bright future that technology was imagined to bring to civilization. A technology “golden age” is here now and that includes contemporary hearing aids.

Nowadays, dozens of hearing aid designs have the capability of connecting directly to your TV, computer, or smartphone. This permits you to hear these devices better while also creating a more relaxing environment for those around you who are too nice to tell you to lower the volume on the TV.

While these technological features are perfect for entertainment applications, some hearing aid users find the functions too complicated and frequently don’t activate them. This could be an expensive mistake.

Create Another Layer of Security With Improved Connectivity

According to the Fire Protection Research Foundation, the smoke alarm can’t be heard by a significant number of individuals over 50. Do you have any rooms in the house where it would be hard to hear your smoke alarm? Even with hearing aids, this can be difficult. Luckily, this life threatening danger is already being minimized by new technology.

The public is getting access to new devices that are being manufactured every year. New hearing aids have the ability to connect to fire alarms that are a component of your smart home systems. This means you’ll be able to hear the alarm wherever you are in your home. It works in basically exactly like connecting your phone to any other smart device. One difference, however, is that when you link up your hearing aids to your fire alarms, it could save your life.

Smart Home Doorbells Can Connect to Hearing Aids

Connecting your hearing aid to all of the technology in your smart home offers you more than simply a safety factor, it also has an entertainment and convenience element, especially at your front door. Doorbells that can connect to Wi-fi are turning up in a lot more homes. The benefit of these doorbells is that they feature video and audio features.

The good news for hearing aid wearers with smart home technology is that it’s one more device your hearing aid can sync to. Who’s that at your door? A Wi-fi doorbell would transmit audio right to your hearing aid so you would see who’s at the door immediately.

Why is it Important to Ensure That You Get it Set up?

Many individuals choosing not to use these functions because they take a bit of time and effort to set up. However, it’s worthwhile to realize that connecting your hearing aid to smart technology in your home can make your life safer, more relaxed, and ultimately more enjoyable.

The best part? We can demonstrate how to use these features when you buy your hearing aid. Even if you’re still not sure after you get home, the internet is a great resource for set-up help.

So to be direct, you’re missing out if you have newer hearing aids with wi-fi capabilities and you fail to take a few minutes to get them set up.

When to Upgrade Your Hearing Aids

If you have older hearing aids they likely don’t have many connectivity options. Furthermore, the audio quality of hearing aids is getting better every day. Increase your hearing and quality of life by setting up an appointment with us to talk about a hearing aid upgrade.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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