Special Offers
Hearts for Hearing has set a goal for 2022 to screen 1,500 Oklahoma adults for hearing loss.
Call 405-300-5986 today to schedule your FREE hearing screening.
Do you have hearing aids but don’t use them?
Do you have trouble understanding speech in restaurants and crowds?
Do your hearing aids whistle?
Do you have trouble understanding on the phone?
Introducing “smart” hearing aids. We were impressed with the rich, clear sound the technology provided. We’re not alone on that either, as these hearing aids were top-rated for sound quality in a recent study. You may have even heard about these “smart” hearing aids on CNN, The Wall Street Journal and even The Tonight Show where they were excitedly talking about the fact that they also connect to smartphones and other audio devices, so you can hear phone calls, TV audio, or even music directly in your ears.
For a limited time only, Hearts for Hearing will be accepting Trade-Ins to upgrade into this new and exciting technology. Devices are tax deductible when donated to our Hearing Angel Program, which helps people in need hear again. Any new purchase can be applied to your itemized medical expenses on your taxes as well.
Trade in your old hearing aids today and receive a free accessory (up to $600 value).

Your hearing matters to us at Hearts for Hearing!
Take a step toward better hearing — call us today to schedule a free, no-obligation hearing screening.