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Grandma and grandson are cooking healthy food together in the kitchen to prevent hearing loss.

Often it’s not simple to make healthy choices. Usually, we’re able to conquer our hesitation by merely reminding ourselves, “this is good for me.” But is it possible that our health procedures may actually hurt our ears? Actually it’s more common than you would suspect.

Daily Health Habits

You care about the way you look to people when out and about. Like most people, you most likely put on something sharp, brush your teeth, comb your hair, and possibly, clean your ears.

It can be frustrating when a small trickle of earwax collects over time. Earwax does have several necessary purposes, despite that, it does need to be taken out now and then. The system you use to get rid of earwax determines the potential harm.

You should quit using cotton swabs for earwax removal as they are not really the tool of choice. Eliminating your earwax with a cotton swab can cause irreparable injury to your ears and hearing. Instead, see a hearing healthcare expert and ask for solutions. Cleaning out Earwax is a normal procedure for them.

Your Exercise Routines

Staying physically fit is the best way to look and feel your best. Exercising can help get your blood flowing, relax your muscles, help you lose weight and clear your mind, all of which are great for your hearing. The problem stems from incorrectly performed workouts.

Physical fitness trends are moving toward high-impact workouts that test your endurance. Taking part in these kinds of workouts, while building muscle, may also be damaging your ears. Strenuous exercise can cause a build up of pressure in the ears. Balance and hearing problems can be the result.

This doesn’t mean quitting your workouts is the right answer. The important factor is correct workout technique. When exercising try not to strain or hold in your breath. When your limit has been reached, quit.

Your Prospering Career

Stress goes with a prospering career. While everyone can agree that working hard and achieving professional accomplishment is a great thing, research shows that the pressure that accompanies it can be damaging to your health.

Many people don’t realize that besides causing impaired judgment, weight gain, and muscle pain, stress also can lead to hearing loss. Poor circulation caused by strain is actually the issue. When you have poor circulation the delicate hairs in your ears don’t get the blood flow and oxygen they need. These hairs don’t grow back. When they’re dead, they’re gone. Why do they matter? Those hairs are how your brain senses sound waves. Because without them your brain has no way to receive sound waves.

However, you can keep your career and your hearing. Blood flow can be increased when you use strategies to reduce strain. If you’re finding yourself stressed out, take a break. If you have time, read or watch something humorous. When you laugh, you naturally shake off your stress.

Enjoying the Arts

It’s certainly healthy for your mind to be exposed to the arts regardless of what form they come in! But different forms of art have different levels of impact on hearing.

Going to the movies or attending a live music event is louder than you may suspect. In most cases, you’re busy being swept up in the message of the medium to ask if it’s harming your hearing. Unfortunately it may be.

The solution to this one is easy. Be sure to plan for ear defense before attending a loud event. Earmuffs may look silly at a production of Phantom of the Opera, but there are plenty of discreet in-ear noise reduction products that you can pack in your pocket.

As usual the best safeguard is being prepared and informed. If you fear that participation in a high volume activity has already damaged your hearing, you should schedule an appointment with a hearing expert. Only then will you know for certain.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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