What To Expect At A Hearing Aid Fitting
Like wearing comfortable shoes, the right fit makes all the difference. Hearing aid fitting is a critical part of your success with hearing aids. Hearing aids work extremely well when custom-fitted to your ears and adjusted for your hearing needs and preferences. That’s why it’s important to come to us for professional services.
First, our audiologists will check that your hearing aids feel comfortable. Then, we’ll program them check your hearing with the hearing aids in place. After that, we’ll show you the advanced features of your new hearing aids and how to care for them.
Hearing Aid Fitting Will Help You Get The Best Sound
We’ll program your new hearing aids based on the results of your hearing test and your individual preferences and unique listening environments. We can fine-tune your hearing instruments to help you hear in a variety of situations, including in restaurants, crowds and other difficult listening situations. Hearing is subjective; friends with the same hearing loss as you may prefer to have their hearing aids programmed differently.
We’ll Fine Tune Your Hearing Aid With Live Speech Mapping
We also use Live Speech Mapping with Real Ear Measurements, a hearing aid fitting process that uses probe microphones and live real-time speech. It allows you and your family members to immediately see and understand the benefits of hearing aids and fitting adjustments.
What Follow Up Care Do Your Hearing Aids Need?
We want you to get the most from your hearing aids. Over the course of one to three follow-up visits, we’ll look at the situations where you thrive and those where you might need some improvement. We’ll adjust your hearing aids based on your experience with them.
Today’s hearing instruments are highly programmable, and small adjustments may make a big difference. Your hearing aids should be comfortable with respect to the physical fit and the sound loudness.
If you’re not satisfied, come see us immediately for alterations to provide a comfortable fit.
What’s the right treatment for
your type of hearing loss?
How to Get Used to Your Hearing Aids
Hearing loss typically develops over many years. Becoming reacquainted with sounds while using hearing aids will take practice and time. We’ve had patients who needed only a few days to get used to their new hearing aids, but most need a few weeks to a few months.
In general, the greater your hearing loss and the longer the hearing loss has been present, the more challenging it is to transition to hearing aids. There’s no perfect way to learn how to adjust to hearing aids. But the time you spend adjusting to your new hearing aids is well worth it. Try to be patient with yourself as you get used to the new sounds, and return to our office for adjustments or consultation if needed. We’re here to help you through this process!
The Secret to Getting the Best Sounds From Your Hearing Aids
There are three things you can do to help us adjust your hearing aids so you can get the maximum benefit from wearing them:
#1 – Wear your hearing aids as much as possible. The more you wear them, the more you’ll get used to them and, most importantly, the more information you’ll have to tell us so we can make adjustments.
#2 – Write down the situations where you feel you aren’t hearing your best. That way, we can reprogram the devices to work better there.
#3 – Be patient. Most of the time we can help you get more from your hearing aids, but it may take two or three visits to make this happen.
Cochlear Implants
For those whose hearing loss is beyond the scope of what hearing aids can address, cochlear implants may be recommended. A cochlear implant is a surgically implanted device that consists of an internal and external device that bypasses the “broken parts” of the inner ear and sends the signal along the auditory nerve to the brain. Cochlear implants may be recommended for one or both ears, depending on the degree of hearing loss.
Questions? Talk to the experts.